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Instead of a huge selection of herbs that can be confusing to so many, here I specialize in choice herbal teas & essential oils to target specific areas of the body. The human body is amazing as it knows what to do to heal itself from all types of illnesses, maladies, syndroms, disease and the like...the trick is knowing what to give it. We have many products to nurture, promote health & balance...& with that....wellness!!

I have herbal tea blends & single teas to help with specific problems: Sandman's Tea, Dandelion Tea, Ashwagandha Tea, Peppermint Tea...plus our signature blend Herbmama's Detox Blend.

Also I have the tincture forms of the favorite teas, as some seem to like the tinctures better. There's Sandman's Tincture, Elderberry Tincture, Mullein Tincture, Dandelion Tincture, Astragalus Tincture, UTI Tincture, Ashwagandha Tincture, Pain Tincture, Turmeric Tincture, Triple Heart Tincture, Milk Thistle & Saw Palmetto Tinctures!

The Tinctures -- Elderberry -- has much research backing it up for it's antiviral & antioxidant properties! Ours is a straight tincture, not one of those sugary syrup mixes! Astragalus, which is an ancient herb used in TCM and can be very instrumental in the body's immune support! The UTI Remedy is a tincture containing 3 valuable herbs...Uva ursi, nettles & dandelion! Sandman's Tincture is the same as the wonderful tea blend, just in tincture form. Dandelion Tincture is a great cancer fighter and loaded with vitamins & minerals! Mullein Tincture is made from the #1 chosen herb that helps with all sorts of lung issues. Ashwagandha, is great for nerves, the brain & energy. Our Pain Tincture does just what it says, it can keep you from taking dangerous OTC pain relievers. The Turmeric Tincture is much more potent than just taking the spice. The Triple Heart Tincture is full of the 3 best heart health herbs. The Milk Thistle tincture contains the top herb for liver health & issues. Saw palmetto is great for men's issues.

Herbs have a different way of healing than essential oils do. Our essential oil blends are very popular and highly effective in ways the herbs aren't and that's not necessarily a bad OR a good thing, it's just the difference in the way the 2 alternative healing methods work on the human body. 

Our essential oil blends are: Quartzsite Krud Kicker, Nerve/Pain Oil & Oil of Oregano.

Of course we also offer the top 3 popular single essential oils Lavender, Peppermint & Tea Tree.

If there's a specific herb or essential oil you would like to see us carry, just drop me an e-mail and we will see what we can do!! I also do custom essential oil & herbal blends on special request!

I also offer consultations, either in person in small town Arizona or via fb/phone, whichever works better for you. The cost is $20/hr with a 1 hr. minimum. 

So come on in and sit a spell, grab a cup of tea if you like & read all about how our herbs & essential oils can help YOU!

Disclaimer: I do not treat, diagnose or cure any type of disease or illness. I do not make claims on any product offered. The information & knowledge on this website is strictly to help teach & enlighten the public and are strictly herbal supplements!

Be sure to check out my blog: https://herbmamaswords.blogspot.com for all sorts of information on herbs, essential oils, nutrition and more!!!







​Be sure to "LIKE" us on Facebook, we are Herbs 4 Health!!! Our dot com is Herbs-4-Health.com!!




 Quartzsite, Arizona 85346

(580) 490-1770

e-mail: Sixgunmama@hotmail.com






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